VAT Registration

VAT Registration Service

Are you due for VAT Registration?

Every Business is required to register for VAT with HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) if its VAT taxable turnover is more than £85,000. Norden hills can help to prepare and submit these returns.

VAT Registration

Your VAT Responsibilities

When your business gets registered for VAT, you will have the responsibility to, charge the right amount of VAT, pay any VAT due to HMRC, submit VAT Returns and keep VAT records and a VAT account. Sometimes clients and suppliers trust businesses that are VAT registered – this is a good way to gain more credibility.

The Process

Norden Hills Accounting, can assist with

  • Advising if you need to or if it would be beneficial to register;
  • Completion of the vat registration forms and formalities incidental to vat registration;
  • Advising on the best vat schemes to use suitable to your business – some you have to notify HMRC you are using and some you don’t.
  • In addition, we can assist with
  • Completion of vat returns or training on how to complete them;
  • Vat planning;
  • Dealing with any contentious disputes that arise with customs;
  • Attendance at vat inspections.